- Save Lake Chatuge -

Weekly Update | February 2nd, 2024

Our community continues to show their support! New Donations from many businesses, individuals, and Towns County this week. Please show your support for these businesses and thank these individuals! In the future, donation updates will be posted on FB and website on Tuesdays & Fridays.

Mountain True is close to solidifying a treatment plan. We look forward to sharing it with you soon. There have been reports of possible parrot feather in other parts of the lake. If you suspect it, email tony@mountaintrue.org to get it identified. The best chance of eradicating it is to treat all areas it has spread to.

There is now a sample letter to send to your county and state representatives on the website. We will likely need treatment in the next few years and request other assistance from our government officials. Your calls, emails and letters to officials can make a difference.

Please be patient with us. We are a group of concerned citizens who are volunteering our time.

We have some exciting events in the works - stay tuned for more details!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"

- Margaret Mead 

Please click the link here to donate via credit/debit card

or mail a check to:

Mountain True, 29 N Market St, Ste 610 Asheville NC 28801

In the memo line of the check, mark it "For Parrot Feather" 


Keep up the great work and let’s save the lake, together.  


- Save Lake Chatuge


- Save Lake Chatuge -